Experience Research Design


Cleaning the data via google sheet, color gradient is used to represent strong or weak correlations for cat lovers, dog lovers, and those neither like cats nor dogs.

What really interested us is Q7.4.5:
To what degree during times of sheltering at home do you feel left-out...
1 star = never
5 stars = very frequently

As you can see from the scatterplot chart above, there is a strong co-relation between cat lovers and level-out level during the time of sheltering at home.
The color gradient from yellow to red presents the left-out level from low to high.
Cat lovers are more likely to feel left-out.

As you can see from the chart above, the size represents the social level of the ideal partner (big to small -> high to low)
Dog lovers prefer the ideal partner to be social rather than reserved.

Another interesting finding is from Q8.2_3:

In this chart, we use shape to distinguish the images.
Asterisk represents the image on the left, while square represents the image on the right.
While comparing those two pets, both cat lovers and dog lovers prefer the image on the left (the cute cat one).

Similarly, the winner of Q8.2_8 is also Cat:

Popular Pets

Here are the top 3 popular pets.

It is interesting to see that when the pet images are cute, participants tend to choose cat.

When the images are mature or a little bit ugly, people also tend to choose cat.